Simply, demand generation encompasses all marketing efforts to attract and excite customers about your company’s products and services. Demand generation programs are intended to nurture key prospects throughout their lives from both sides of the coin, sales, and marketing, where you engage them at various points across multiple channels.
Demand generation is about generating interest in your product or service, generating public relations, re-engaging existing customers, promoting new features, and reaching new markets. Apple, for example, using demand generation in a very smart way. When they announce new products, say the iPhone 11, they reinvigorate existing customers by pointing out their product’s improved camera lens and water resistance, or by creating an accessory that goes well with an existing product.
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Now, you might be thinking that demand generation is a lot like inbound marketing. But I assure you that inbound marketing and demand generation are not synonymous. They are like cousins working together to achieve the goals of a company.